Arcui Usoara - I have a reputation for leaving meetings to rescue a dog

If you and I ever had a conversation about passion projects, you've probably heard me talk about one of mine I can't even talk about without tearing up ..

It's about a Canine Center - to take care of dogs, to educate children, to change the narrative of how we as a society relate to animals ..

To be honest, despite the passion, it's always felt a bit "too big" to tackle, so I didn't take any steps towards it. 

Soul Touched by Dogs has been the first move I'm making to put a process of creation in motion.

With that context, you won't be surprised to hear that I was holding back tears when Arcui Usoara shared what he's working on ..
The full interview will be in this week's edition of Soul Touched by Dogs, and on the podcast (link to both in the comments)
PS: I'll always be grateful to Paula James for the introduction
Arcui Usoara - I have a reputation for leaving meetings to rescue a dog
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