Daniel Rechnitzer - Enhancing the Bond with Your Dog through Intuitive Communication

Welcome to the Soul Touched by Dogs
Podcast, the show for dog lovers who

see dogs not as toys or tools, but
wise souls worth our respect and care.

I'm an Herrmann, and I'm your host.

I talk to poor some humans, people who
do great work for dogs and their people.

So come and join us for
today's conversation.

Anke: Hello and welcome Daniel,
I'm excited to have you here today.

Daniel: Hello Anke, it's great to be
here and hello everyone listening.

Anke: So before we Dig into the
very juicy topic that we have today.

Uh, give people like a two minute, like
people who don't know you, give people

a bird's eye view, you know, what's
the day job, you know, how do the locks

Daniel: fit in.

Okay, so, so For the last 20, 25
years, I've been teaching intuition

and honing my own intuition and working
with my wife, Sonja, to, to share what

is intuition, what's possible with
intuition, how do we heighten it, how do

we grow it and where can we go with it?

And with this intuitive ability,
and I'll share a bit more in a sec,

you know, we've been able to tap
into the answers that lie within us.

We've been able to connect to the
body's intelligence and understand

what it needs, why it's sick,
what it will need to recover.

We've been able to tap
into, um, business as well.

And we've been able to tap into
animals and connect to the intelligence

and consciousness of animals.

So our intuitive abilities is really...

Um, about going from the thinking
mind into using more of our brain.

And actually perceiving energy and
feeling that energy for information.

All energy is information.

We as people are beaming out
energy and everything in this

universe is beaming out energy.

And when we become sensitive enough,
we can feel that energy and we can feel

it as knowledge, as wisdom, as truth.

It's kind of like Anke, you know,
you walk into a house, you walk

into somebody's house and you
can feel, you know, sometimes you

feel, is there really an argument?

You know, has there been something
good happen or bad happen?

So that's how intuitive
sensitivities, we're feeling energy.

You know, you could sit in the car with
your spouse, you can feel if they're

angry at you or if something's gone wrong.

Well, that's really the very
beginning of heightened intuition

or heightened sensitivity.

And we've just taken it to the point
where we can go beyond, is it a good

mood or a bad mood or an argument?

We can actually go in to feel what's
the body saying, what's the mind

saying, what's in the subconscious
mind and, and what's an animal saying.

So using it for communicating
or talking to animals.

So that's a

Anke: little bit about
what we've been doing.

I mean, that's a whole other topic.

Like I think I can kind of, yeah, I
think I want you back for a lot more

things, but, but, In your experience,
what stops people from, I guess,

because we all have it, right?

But most of the time I feel like we kind
of feel the nudge, but then we don't trust

it because the logical mind can't catch
up and you kind of can't make sense of it.

So you don't trust it.

Is that like, what's the biggest
thing that stops people from really...

Different people

Daniel: have different people.

Yeah, different people
have different blockages.

I'll share a few that we've encountered.

Some of them are religious, so kids that
are brought up in a religious environment

and they get told off as kids, don't you
believe in spirits or ghosts or intuition

or any of that stuff, you know, that's
the work of, you know, something nasty.

So children have this fear in them
and whenever they feel the intuitive

messages or visions or feelings,
um, they immediately shut it down.

Another blockage that we find is
as children, because as children

are the most sensitive, so this is
where that experience comes from.

Um, some children have been so open when
they were young and they may have had

a scary experience and they realise, I
don't want to see that, um, or they've

shared a message, an intuitive message
with a parent or an adult and the adult's

just gone slam, don't you tell me that
kind of message, how dare you say that,

because they can be quite confronting.

So there are a couple of examples.

Um, other blockages are, you know,
this whole orientation to, if it's not

my mind, if it's not science, if it's
not the physical, then it's not real.

So the mind and society and
the belief systems that we've

inherited over generation has
pulled a bit of a trick on us.

It's tricked us to believe that
what's in the mind is real.

And what's in intuition isn't.

But it's actually, ironically,
the complete opposite.

What's in the mind isn't real,
because it's made up of beliefs

and thoughts and they're not real.

They don't have the same substances,
whereas the intuition is coming from a

higher space, a higher consciousness,
um, that has wisdom and truth.

And it's, it's actually coming from
the very intelligence of the universe,

where mother nature and our life
force and creation has come from.


You know, there are some
of the big blockages there.


Anke: that.

So with animals in particular, I mean,
it kind of like, it feels like, yeah, it

feels more than natural language, right?

To sort of communicate with
animals because like they

don't speak English or German.

We don't really speak dog, you know?

So I think on that energetic level,
because that's the thing, like

they always, people always say, Oh,
you can, you know, a dog can feel

when you're, when you're scared.

Yeah, they can, you know, and there's a,
there's um, uh, James French in the UK.

He has the trust technique
and he goes, well, that also

works the other way around.

If you're calm and peaceful,
your dog will pick up on it.

So it's like, how do you work
with, or how do you, I'm also

curious how you teach that stuff.

Like how do

Daniel: you get somebody to relax?

I'll start with your first comment,
which is yeah, animals, um,

they're not bogged down with belief
systems and societal conditioning.

They're just natural feeling
beings and they can feel our

energy, our thoughts, our stresses.

They take on a lot of our stresses
and that's the natural way.

I mean, if you've ever, you know, natural
horsemanship, if you're familiar with

that is where people are riding horses
based on how they're thinking, intending

and all of that and horses feel that
and that to me is just remarkable.

But it shows what's possible.

Dogs are the same, cats are the same.

We all know they get nervous if there's
spirits or any weird energies around.

Um, so it is the natural way
for us to communicate because

an animal is, is conscious.

And consciousness is an energy, a
frequency, and they beam that out.

And when we're sensitive enough
and open enough, we can feel and

perceive what their intentions.

So this, this language of thoughts
or intentions and feelings.

That's the language of the universe.

It's the language of soul,
spirit, um, and it's how, um, life

forms all over, uh, communicate.

Human beings are a bit slow on
that one because we're very in the

mind and the mind makes it nearly
impossible to feel that kind of energy.


Anke: if you have a dog in front of you,
you know, like, so how do you get started?

Like, how does that

Daniel: work?


So one of the things that we teach
in, in our courses at Intuition

Wisdom is you have to still the mind.

If you've got a very active mind and it's
full of chatter, that's a much louder

noise or frequency than that of intuition.

Intuition is quite subtle, but
we haven't really been trained,

you know, when we're kids.

We're always listening
for the loudest thing.

Mom and dad's yelling.

The teachers are yelling.

We're trained for loud, right?

So, and that drowns out intuition.

So we teach people how to immediately get
themselves in a nice, clear mind space, an

ego, what we call it, an ego free space.

And then you start opening yourself up and
you're relaxing into it and you start, the

next phase is really teaching people how
to trust A feeling, a message, you know,

because we're not, you know, we, we kind
of get these feelings, we dismiss them.

That's not real.

That's not loud like the mind.

So there's, there's, there's a
process that we take people through.

It's very simple and it
starts with the quiet mind.

It starts with the trusting and
over time, the more you trust these

messages, these feelings, then it
gets stronger and you trust them

or it gets stronger and stronger.

So if I'm sort, if I'm wanting
to connect to an animal.

I have a lot of self belief because
I've been teaching it for so

long, so I trust that I can do it.

And that's one of the
things that gets taught is.

Well, one of the key ingredients with
intuition is you have to have self belief.

You have to trust.

You have to be able to
believe that you can do it.

So I, I, after all these years,
I can just go into that space.

And once I'm in that space, um,
I'm starting to feel What this

animal is trying to say or not say.

So I'm connecting with that.

I do that with people.

I do that with animals.

I do that with all kinds of things.

And that, that's a bit of how I would
do it, but we can, we can do it.

If you've got your dog handy and
you want to have a bit of a play.

Anke: What do you mean?

He's just sort of, where is he now?

Hang on.

Is he somewhere?

Oh, he's right down here.

I was looking for him because he
was over here for a second ago.

And he's.

Can you hear him

Daniel: growl?

I don't know.

He's coming.


He's bigger than I was expecting.

And that's the smallest one I have.

What's his name?


What is it?


Anke: Kite?


C A I T E.


Daniel: Okay, okay.

Male, boy dog.


Is that a Spanish name or a German name?

Anke: Oh, that's actually a German name.

I had some funny experiences in
Germany where we'd call the dog

and people would turn around
because that was their kid's name.

Daniel: Oh, really?

It's a kid's name.

Anke, his name

Anke: is because he's from, you know,
like Cardiff and then over here, like

the, the consonants that get dropped.

So if you're from Cardiff,
oh, you're so the guy.

That's really where the name comes from.

Daniel: All right.

Should we talk to Kay?

Let's talk to him.


So I, I was just connecting into him
just that second, and he's showing

me in his energy, how this is.

So I can show you what I'm feeling.

I can tell you how I'm
receiving the message.

So he's showing me in two ways.

He's communicating in two ways.

One is he's giving me words, so I
can, I'm actually hearing words.

And the other is he's
showing me pictures, okay.

So actually there's a third way,
he's actually giving me a feeling.

So when you get intuitive messages,
They're, they're not like human language.

They're not just words, you know,
intuitive messages in the way the

universe talks to us is, is unmistakable.

It's like feelings, words,
pictures, everything all at once.

So you can, you understand it.

So Kay's message to me was
straight away, I'm very lazy.

I'm very lazy.

I just want to chill.

Mommy doesn't always let me chill.

I just want to chill.

That's the first message.

I'm just, it's just like, oh,
I just want to do nothing.

That's, that's, that's the first one.

Anke: That's funny because that's kind
of true because he's my little office

shadow and I usually leave him alone.

He just, that's why I didn't even
know where he was because he's

either in his bed or he is, he
moves position every now and then.

But he's usually like, he sits
through the longest meetings.

He doesn't...


Daniel: He doesn't want to do anything.

He's just like, I'm just so lazy.

I'm just so lazy.

He just keeps saying it.

I'm just so lazy.

It reminds me of my son.

My son's exactly the same energy.

Um, and it's just like, really?


Why are you up again?

Why are you walking?

He's like, why are you walking
around the house again, mom?

What, what are you doing that for?

What'd you get up for?

Can't you just sit still?

Because when you get up, he's showing me
that he's almost got this guilt, like, I

should follow her, but I don't want to.

Yeah, it's so funny because he's
like, as a dog, you have instincts.

Instincts to protect your owner.

Instincts to follow your owner.

Instincts to look what's
in front of your owner.

He's showing me, like, a head
of the owner, and he's like...

Yeah, but really, every time she
gets up, I should do those things.

I wish she'd just sit down.

It's really funny.

Anke: I actually love hearing that
because, like, when I think back of,

like, his story, like how he came, he
had, like, a very sort of, well, he

was taken away from some guy who was
actually trying to kill him as a puppy.

You know, so and he was super stressed,
like for years we lived in in the

center of Granada and like lots of he's
super sensitive, like, you know, you

sometimes feel like, you know, when
humans grow up in this violent, kind

of unsafe environment, they get this
hypersensitive and he is like that, like

the tiniest thing and he'll be like,
you know, and he was always on edge,

like, and for me to hear that, because
it's my impression too, that like, since

we moved here and environment is calm.

He's like, oh, finally I can relax.

Like so much more.

Like he's, he's so much, he's chilled now
in a way that he never was like for years.

Because when we're living in, in, you
know, in the historic part of, of, of

Granada, where, you know, you have the
door here, people would park, walk past

right here, there were cats and bikes.

And it was like, on edge all the time.

And so literally, like, to be honest,
I moved away from there for the

dogs because it was just not, you
know, it's like, this is not fair.


And so moved away more.

And now it's like really
calm and peaceful.

And so he obviously loves Satie.

Daniel: Yeah.

Ah, it's like a lullaby to him.

It sedates him, calms him.

And, um, that's why it's really hard
when you get up and walk around.

It's like, um, like.

It's almost like being half asleep.

It's like, really?

I've got to get up?

No, no.

It's so much like my son.

It's hilarious.

I remember saying exactly the same.


Anke: that's funny.

That's funny.


I mean, it's, it's, for
me, it's beautiful to hear.

Like, you know, it's the impression
I have of him because you also

notice a hugely different length
when I'm walking with him now.

It's just a relaxed look where it used
to be this like, oh my god, you know,

there's people and he was also the one
who would sometimes like randomly bark

at people, you know, because you could
like, I always thought like he picks up

on the energy when there's some somebody
kind of like a little You know, we feel

a little uncomfortable and in the space
it was, there was like not a lot of space

where you could just cross the road.

So the, you know, like one arm length
here and there, that was like the

main road, you know, everything
else was narrower than that.

So there was like, people would come into
his space all the time and he'd react,

you know, like he didn't, he didn't sort
of throw himself at people, but he would

bark at them and he didn't like them.

Very pronounced with him.



Daniel: Well, if you've got any questions.

If you've got any questions that you'd
like me to ask him, or if you want

me to see what else he'd like to say,
either way, I'll go wherever you want.

Anke: Yeah, I would love to, I would,
see, I would love to know whether, you

know, he's 12 years old now, you know,
I'd love to know whether he's got any eggs

and pens that, as a good dog, he tries

Daniel: to hide from me.

Well, he was showing me, the first
thing he was showing me, the early

childhood had strained him a lot.

It strained him of his life force,
um, and now that he can be less...

He's kind of hyper vigilant and on edge.

He can just relax, um, and that's
conserving a lot of energy.

Is there any aches and pains?

Um, he's worried about leaving you,
like when he's got, when he's time to

go, he's worried about leaving you.

Um, can I see any aches?

He's not showing me, he's kind of
showing me, like he's not going on

this bit hurts and this bit hurts.

He's showing me there's an overall nearly
arthritis kind of sensation through.

Showing me red through his, his,
um, through the top of his body.

It's like an outline of red.

He's showing me it's, it's a little
bit achy, but nothing severe.

But it's, it's there, but it's
not like, he's kind of saying, I

don't want to complain to you, mum.

Don't worry, it's fine.

There is a little bit of redness
he's showing me, inflammation,

but it's not like, I don't want
to worry you kind of thing.

Anke: You see, that's, that's the piece
where I'm thinking, yeah, I know, you're

a dog, like, if it hurts, you won't tell
me, like, you know, how they kind of,

you know, animals always like, well, it's
not safe to admit that you're not well,

you know, they kind of try and hide it.

Daniel: He, he's saying
to me, he's like...

If you worry about him, you
will change the relationship.

Um, if it, if you're like, Oh my
God, he needs help, he's in danger.

All of a sudden you have tense energy.

You are now looking at him differently.

You're not looking at him lovingly.

You're looking at him with
sympathy, with, with pity.

Um, he's like, I don't
want to change the dynamic.

I like what we have.

I don't want you to pity me.

I don't want you to feel sorry for me.

Even on my dying days, I don't want that.

I want you, I want to go off
with this memory of you looking

at me with love in your eyes.

That's it.

Because what he's showing
me is really interesting.

He's saying, um, not saying,
but he's showing me is like,

a dog is to serve a person.


So the minute they become a burden,
it becomes very confusing for them.

It's, it's the opposite of their program,
if you were, their instinct, their

natural instinct is to be of service.

And when they now are needing you to
be of service to them, it messes with

their, um, I just want to say psychology.

It's like, hang on, you're
not meant to be helping me.

I'm here to help you.

So he, he's like, even in my dying
day, don't give me this burdensome

energy that I'm a drain, I'm taxing.

Because that's not joyous to me.

Joy for an animal is...

Have I cheered you up today?

Have I made your day better?

Um, have I made you smile?

Have I gotten you outside
the house and thinking about

something other than making money?

You know, all your stresses,
that gives them joy that

they're brightening your day.

So that's his, that's his big messages.

Don't give me confused messages.

Anke: Yeah, I mean, that's the things
I'm not like, it's just sort of when

I think, well, if I knew that there
was sort of something I could, you

know, maybe there would be something,
but, but, you know, he's fine.

Like I'm, I love the way he is now
because he's so much more chilled and

so much more laid back that like the way
he never was for many years, you know?

So it's really, I mean, you know,
obviously I've learned to, you know,

relate to him in different ways and, and
understand because I think when he was.

young there was also you know there was
quite a like with him being sort of like

on edge like it's like tightly strong
like you know walking him was a giant

pain in the butt like he'd be pulling
like crazy and then you've got everybody

else telling you no you shouldn't use
a harness and this and that and there

was like a That was sort of the energy.

And it gets frustrating, you know,
when for God's sake all I wanted was a

peaceful war kind of thing, you know,
and there was a lot of frustration

building up, you know, until I understood
that he wasn't trying to be difficult,

that he was just Like he felt that
tension and that he was super sensitive.

The moment I understood, well,
actually my job is to help him relax

and I'm doing a crappy job at it.

You know, that's when it's like,
okay, let's move somewhere else.

Let's, you know, and looking at
everything through the lens of how

can I help my dog relax has made like.

180 percent like degree different,
you know, to, because then you look

at him pulling, not at like, oh my
God, why can't I have a peaceful walk?

It's like, okay, you know,
you're stressed, you're tense.

Let's do something different, right?

And for me to calm myself down and that's
what, you know, obviously they pick, he'd

pick up on me, but I'm really looking
at it through the lens to say, well, my

only job is helping relax made like all

Daniel: the difference.


And that's what he's showing me.

It's like, if you just be calm around me.

He will echo that calm, like magnify it.

And so you, you get caught up into it
as well and, and, and, um, calm by it.

But yeah, is there any other
questions or you're all good?

I'm, I'm

Anke: good.

I'm really pleased.

You know, I'm pleased that he's
chilled and calm and, you know,

and just sort of enjoying rather
than being on edge and on guard.

So that's like, yeah, it
makes me feel really happy.

Daniel: There you go.

Anke: He totally

Daniel: deserves it.

Yeah, so that's how we do it.

We can all, we all have the ability
to open up to our intuition.

It takes some practice,
it takes some belief.

And it takes trust.

But we all have it where our brain
and our body are naturally wired to

picking up energy as information.

And when we're in a quiet state, we
can, we can feel and perceive a lot more

than when we have a busy, noisy mind.

So, yeah.

Anke: So where can people, if somebody
goes, Oh, I want to be able to kind of.

You know, talk to my dog like that.

So where can they go and

Daniel: find out more?


Thank you.

Well, come to our
website, intuitionwisdom.


That's intuitionwisdom.


We do a whole range of training, which
is, um, beginning with how to access

your own intuition and heighten that.

Uh, and then we go into lots
more depth and then we go

into a practitioner training.

So if you're wanting to work with
animals, talk to animals, or even

work with people and help use
your intuition to tap into what.

It's going on inside people that
they're not aware of and they can't

communicate or whether it's illness
or blockages or, um, you know, things

not being able to go after their
dreams, what's holding them back.

So we have an intuition practitioner
training, which is our intuitive

life coach and healer training.

So that's at intuitionwisdom.


Love it.

Love it.

Anke: And obviously the link will
be, you know, below wherever you're

watching or listening to this.

So thank you.

Thank you so much.

And you know what, I've observed that
even in our conversation, like, you know,

the space got calmer and quieter as we,
you know, it's really, really noticeable.


Thank you.

Thanks for coming.

Oh, wonderful.

And I'd love to have you back.

Thank you for having me.

Thanks so much for listening.

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And if you know a pawsome human
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I'd love an introduction.

Email me at Anke.

That's A N k E at Soul
touched by dogs.com.

Daniel Rechnitzer - Enhancing the Bond with Your Dog through Intuitive Communication
Broadcast by