Erin Scott - From Reluctant Pet Owner to Passionate Dog Advocate

In this episode, I am excited to welcome Erin, an avid dog lover from Baltimore, Maryland, who shares her inspiring journey from being an apprehensive first-time pet owner to becoming deeply involved in multiple dog-related ventures like free pop-up veterinary care in under-resourced communities in Baltimore. 

And she talks about her two podcasts, the 'Believe in Dog' podcast and 'The Alternative Dog Moms', and how they reflect her mission to change perceptions about dogs, especially pit bulls, and to support dog health through holistic approaches. 

Erin also unveils her project, the Dog Health Journal, a tool born out of personal necessity to track her dog’s health. 
Erin’s journey is an inspiring tale of how passion for pets can shape one's life and help overcome personal challenges, including her own battle with breast cancer. 

00:00 Introduction and Welcome 
00:52 Erin's Journey into Dog Obsession 
02:16 From Dog Lover to Advocate 
04:10 The Believe in Dog Podcast 
06:27 Personal Stories and Healing 
08:25 Dog Health Journal 
11:54 Balancing Passion and Profession 
15:00 Conclusion and Future Plans

Find out more and connect with Erin
Believe in Dog Podcast
The Alternative Dog Moms Podcast

All about Soul Touched by Dogs
Erin Scott - From Reluctant Pet Owner to Passionate Dog Advocate
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