Sue London - Transforming Pet Health Through Energy: The Power of Reiki
Welcome to the Soul Touched by Dogs
Podcast, the show for dog lovers who
see dogs not as toys or tools, but
wise souls worth our respect and care.
I'm an Herrmann, and I'm your host.
I talk to poor some humans, people who
do great work for dogs and their people.
So come and join us for
today's conversation.
Anke: Hello and welcome.
So I'm Very excited to have you here.
I know, I was like laughing because
I always say it and I always mean it.
So, so welcome.
Lovely to have you here.
Sue: I am so excited to be here.
You know, you and I always have
so much fun when we get together.
So, uh, I'm really, I was looking
forward to this all weekend.
So yeah, where do you want to start?
We got lots to share.
Anke: That's the thing.
So now let's just start at the beginning.
Tell people, give people like sort
of the quick bird's eye overview.
Where in this lovely world are you?
And so what's your business with dogs?
Sue: Perfect.
So I am actually in Canada and I'm
right at the border of the Canadian
American border and 20 minutes down
the road from Niagara Falls, beautiful
Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada.
So, you know, when y'all come
here to our area, you know,
this is, this is where I am.
So that's where I am, but I am
a global business and I have
clients all around the world.
And my business started actually from me.
dying and having my second
near death experience.
And, uh, I have a real passion for pets.
I've done healings naturally,
it came out of me all my life.
Uh, I would go up and always have to put
my hands on an animal not understanding
as a child what was going on.
And then I had this near death
experience when I was 34 and I was
in a place where I wanted to stay and
my grandpa stopped me and at his side
was Jesus and that was new for me.
And so my grandpa said, Susie, you
need to go back because you have
millions of pets and their owners.
You need to help them cope,
heal, and move forward.
And so I trusted, I had faith,
I knew what my destiny was.
I came back and I understood that I am
supposed to be doing healing on pets.
Miracles are happening.
Pets are coming to me
with stage four cancer.
Cancer is going away.
And I want to make it clear
to everyone, it's not me.
It just comes through me.
So, you know, the pets have the
choice, you know, what happens.
Pets were blind telling me that they
are, I was going to help them see
again and it's happened twice now.
So we've had a lot of miracles
and magic happen around my
healing because I've died twice.
I, when a pet is getting ready to cross.
Beforehand, the owner reaches out to me
and I explain what exactly is going to
happen to their pet and I share my story
so they understand as a person and then
I, they can have me work with them during
that time when their pets, you know,
they're saying goodbye to their pet.
I send healing at that time to the
pet and the owner to make it, you
know, easier for all involved and
explain, you know, have a meditation
playing when your pet's crossing,
make it a peaceful celebration times.
I can't get my words out.
Um, you know, make it a
beautiful time for them.
And then I share exactly who's come
from the other side, what the messages
are from the pets, the signs, how
they're going to connect after.
So I do that as well.
I do consultations for people
that they want to know how to help
their rescue pets and I do animal
communication and explain, you know,
this is, this is what's going on here.
This is what you can do.
I teach people how to do pet healings
on pets, on people, so Reiki classes.
I do that all through Zoom.
And then I, what else do I do?
There's something else I'm missing.
Oh, I have a membership program that,
um, I was guided to set up a program.
So I was just seeing how crazy money
people are paying for vet bills now,
and they weren't getting any results.
And vets were saying, we
don't know what's going on.
Like the common, So I was
hearing, it was 1, 800.
Oh, go to another vet.
Another 1, 800.
And they couldn't find it.
Well in our world now with all
this energy and the chaos and the
craziness, the pets are absorbing it.
So I was guided from all the
pets on the other side to put
together a membership program.
And why, you know, we talked before we
hit the live button that, um, as of today,
my My membership is live in a bigger way,
where I have online courses on there,
I have meditations, I've got different
articles that you will not find on my
regular areas of my website and that.
So this is exclusive and you can
get healings for yourself as well
as all your pets in your family
for five days, five days a week
for the whole month for only 99.
So that's the diamond membership.
So I am really proud.
And that's where there's a
lot of miracles happening.
So, um, There's so much
like, I just love this.
I know, like, it's like,
Anke: we kind of, we both like
have so much enthusiasm, right?
It's just kind of like hard to
even say, it's like, okay, there's
so much in here that I want to
kind of dig in and pull out.
So now obviously you're not like, so, so
one thing I'm curious about is
like, how, like, how How do you
perceive the messages, right?
Because that's always fascinating for
people, like, how do you perceive it?
And then how, like you're teaching this.
So basically what I'm hearing there
is anybody can learn this and you
don't have to die first, right?
So it's like, you don't read.
Sue: Please don't die first.
I've died twice.
You don't need to do that.
Um, so basically how I live my
life is I wake up in the morning.
I meditate.
I meditate.
And when I'm meditating, I will have
thoughts come to me, I will hear
messages, a song might come on the radio
with words, all kinds of things happen.
For example, yesterday, I, you know,
woke up and it was like, you know
what, you need to take a break.
And you need to go and buy some lavender.
I heard lavender.
Okay, so great.
So I had to drive to, to um, like
Niagara, but just past Niagara Falls.
So I had about a 30 minute drive and I
was going to go to this lavender farm.
So I heard in, in my
mind, I heard phone first.
So I called and a recording came
on and it said that they were not
Open anymore that I had to go into
the village of Niagara on the Lake.
If people know Niagara Falls,
you'll know Niagara on the Lake.
It's a very beautiful tourist area.
So anyways, I heard I had to
go to Niagara on the Lake.
So I asked the other side to guide me
to the right parking spot, because it's
a tourist attraction, the whole town.
So to find a parking spot on a weekend,
you're lucky if you can get that.
I got it.
So I heard what street to
go down the whole thing.
So then I heard, okay, that I had to
go to this store, but you know, I go
in the store and then the clerk took me
right to exactly what I wanted to get.
And, you know, I kind of put out
like, okay, this is what I want
to spend and, and help me be able
to go in and out and then, you
know, do all my thing for the day.
So I went in and the girl right away, she
says, okay, tell me why you want this.
And I was saying, she's like, oh
my gosh, she goes, we have a girl
that works here that does, um, Uh,
work with animals and she's going
to definitely want to talk with you.
We've seen you and all this stuff.
So we were talking and now the girl
wants to do her Reiki training.
So she works with helping rescue dogs.
So see how the other side guided
me to go into this specific place.
And the funny thing is I told her
about the record, the phone call,
the recording, and it wasn't, you
know, they weren't there anymore.
She said, that's the craziest
thing because they are there,
but they're across the road.
So I was told to specifically go to
that store for that girl to introduce
myself and now she and other girls at
this rescue are going to take their
pet Reiki training with me to help
the animals at the rescue center.
That's kind of an example of
what happens on an hourly basis.
Anke: So you need to have the,
you have to have your antennas up
kind of thing, like you need to almost
like sort of listen for messages.
And then the other part is
Sue: to
Anke: trust them, right?
Sue: Yeah.
So like, you have to be very present.
You have to be, you know, you can't let
your mind be all over the place in that.
Like I'll sometimes hear, go down
this road, um, go down this road.
Like one, I just, after I got my level
one Reiki myself, cause I, Being a
teacher, you know, I went through all
the levels and after my level one,
I heard get in the car, go buy milk.
I'm like, I don't need milk.
Go in the car now and go buy milk.
Like I heard it like that.
So then I heard go down this road.
I thought that's not the way I go.
And of course I'm arguing with,
I'm like, Crazy what, right?
So then I heard go down this road
and right ahead of me I saw an
ambulance and I thought, oh, are
they putting me to work right away?
Because what they told me in the white
light was I was coming back to help
millions of people and pets, right?
So I heard Pull over as I
got beside the ambulance.
And I thought, oh no.
And I didn't know what to do.
And I thought, okay, I'm
just going to trust God.
I'm going to have faith that this,
there's a higher purpose for my journey.
And I know I'm protected and I won't mess
up because they're going to support me.
So as I'm crossing the road, I'm
hearing, you're going to do great.
It's going to be great.
So I, as I'm walking over, I didn't
know what I was going to see.
And so I saw this little
girl, she had Down syndrome.
She was a teenager and she was, you know,
been hit by a car and the car took off.
And so the attendants were
trying to put this brace on her
neck, you know, and they're on
a board to see where she was at.
And I heard, bend down,
just put your hands on her
ankles, And just smile at her.
And I thought, I can do that.
And then right away she stopped and she
looked at me and she started smiling
and she said, you have a yellow circle
over your head and you're really bright.
And she was just stopped.
And the attendants were
telling me the same thing.
I thought, what is happening to me?
Now this is my journey every day.
This is, I get guided like this to do.
And so then they offered me a job.
I'm like, thank you, but
no thank you, you know?
And, um, so that was just
after I did my Reiki training.
30 some odd years ago and it's
just been crazy adventure since
so, you know, the big thing.
Anke: So when you do, when you teach
people, you know, Reiki for pets, so
how does that, how does that work?
Like, do you, How is it?
I mean, you see, I did like
Reiki level one and two.
So how is it different for pets?
Like what's the, like, how does that work?
So if somebody was interested, let's
say, see the reason I'm asking is not
because like, you know, I've done a bit
of Reiki So I'm kind of asking for myself.
I'd be asking, you know, I'm curious,
you know I'm basically asking on behalf
of listeners who might be sitting there
thinking how can this help me and my dog?
Sue: Okay, so When you have Reiki for
yourself, it opens up your abilities.
So some people, like, they aren't aware
that they have intuitive abilities
or, you know, they get messages, um,
that a lot of abilities will come out.
Even in level one when I do the
attunements, which means I'm
opening your crown chakra to
let the energy come through you.
What happens as a Reiki healer it
helps you when you have your own
pets, it helps you to have a stronger
bond and connection with your pets.
So that's great with that way.
Also, I don't have vet bills
because I do healings on my own
pets three to four times a day.
I seem to attract the animals that are
rescue pets that are really in bad shape.
And so, with my healing, it's helping them
to heal quicker and, and, um, things that
you wouldn't think would heal are healing.
Uh, so if you are, like, you know, as you,
you're doing your Reiki training and it's
going to open your intuition, it's going
to help you to also be able to connect
and communicate with the pets as well, as
well as, you know, other people's pets.
So if you wanted to make this a business,
I work with the, the students, not
only to how to do Reiki, but I'm, in my
training, I don't just teach pet training.
For Reiki for pets, I combined it all.
So in your level one, you're going to
learn how to do pet Reiki and you're
gonna learn how to work on people.
And you're going to learn how
to work on the planet because
the planet needs help right now.
So I'm not going to charge you
for three level one courses.
I'm gonna give it to you all.
Then what I also do, because it's
really important, when you've done
your Reiki training, you need to
understand that You're, you're changing
because your vibrations going up.
And so some people, including myself,
when I did my level one, I thought, I
don't have these people around me anymore.
Like where's all my friends gone?
But what was happening because my
vibration had gone higher, I had cleared
all the people who were the, the users,
the negative people, the abusers and
that, and I attracted positive people.
So, you know, when you grow, you, you
aren't in that same level of people.
So you've got to be
Anke: ready for the change, right?
Sue: Right?
So in, in level one, I also give my
students 21 days of healings to help
them to adjust to the new energy.
So I've, and in every level that I teach,
I'm, I'm not just teaching Reiki, I'm
also teaching you like how to ground.
How to meditate and helping to set
you up for success in whatever you do.
So that's why I always say to my students,
what is your purpose for taking it?
Is it for you to learn how to
work on a loved one or a pet
or, you know, this environment?
What is it, why you're taking it?
Is this going to be a business?
And then if it's a business, then I
will, you know, connect you to this
person, or I will, you know, give
you these tools or, you know, copy
this or here, do this, you know?
So I make it very personalized.
Anke: Yeah, I know.
So I think most people, when I look
at all the things that people are
asking when they sign up, you know,
I always, you know, when people
sign up for an event, I always ask
what they're curious to learn about.
And so what I think if I had to
sum these, you know, hundreds or
even thousands of questions that
have come in, what would they be?
If I had to sum it up into one thing,
it's always around how can I understand
my dog better, you know, so that
maybe, so that I won't do something
that's not in their best interest.
With all the good intentions, you know,
so because sometimes when you just don't
know and you think you need to do training
and your dog's actually hurting, right?
So it's like that kind of stuff, you know,
when you unintentionally or with all the
best intentions still put your foot in.
So how, how would that work practically?
Let's say, because like what comes
to me, it's like, oh, if I can really
tune in to, to them, then, then.
Then I'll know that they're
hurting and I'm not going to kind
of push them to do some training
thingy when, when they're hurting.
Is that, am I on the right path
there or am I totally off with that?
Sue: Right.
So, so basically, um, you know,
if anyone's listening, everybody
can connect with their pets.
You just have to be present.
And so the best way to be
present is if you aren't good
with meditating, burn a candle.
And so when you burn a candle
and just watch the flame,
that's all you need to do.
Five minutes and set your timer,
and then add a couple minutes.
And I can tell you when someone
told me many years ago, I had to
meditate because I, in my, my journey,
I'd gone through Prohn's disease.
And it's completely healed from
all the work I've done on myself.
And so when I was told to meditate,
I thought, I can't stop my mind.
This is crazy.
I can't do this.
I meditate four times a day now.
And it's like having a spa
treatment for me, you know?
So if you get yourself in the
present, you will see your pet
sitting right in front of you.
And then, you know, when you're really
working on yourself and you're eating
better, like that's another big thing too.
When people eat.
junk, like, you know, like greasy
hamburgers and processed food and
stuff with toxins and chemicals,
you're not going to have a, be a
clear vessel to hear messages or
have energy coming through you.
So that's part of what I teach in the
Reiki training is You've got to look at
your self care and treat yourself as, you
know, this, this vessel that you want to
have the information come through you.
And so, you know, my diet is very healthy.
Like I make everything from scratch.
I don't go to restaurants, um, you
know, so even when I travel, I, I
have a specific protein powder that I
take with me just in case I can't eat,
get, get healthy food in that area.
So, you know, you look at your eating
and get rid of all the toxins and like,
and I'm not just saying in you what
you take, but also what you put on you.
Like, you know, are you
putting sulfate shampoo?
Like, I don't use any of that
stuff because it really affects me.
Like I can get dizzy.
And then, you know, if you
don't protect your energy.
I'm going to take other
people's stuff on it.
A lot of people come to me and
they're saying, my pet's all
over, they've got this going on.
And so when I'm working with a client on,
during a, like a private consultation,
I, what happens to me is I see a film.
in my mind exactly what's
happening with the owner.
So they can tell me all they want,
but I know what the truth is.
I see it.
I feel it.
And I will actually, in my body,
feel exactly what they're feeling.
And then I also feel what
the pet's going through.
And I, a lot of times what people
don't understand is when their pet's
sluggish or tired, it's because
they've taken the owner's stuff on.
And so it's really important to clear
the energy from the pet and everyone
can do this, you know, get yourself
very grounded and, and present and,
you know, really check in with yourself
before you do what I'm going to tell
you right now and what you would do.
So you would fill your,
your heart with love.
This is if you don't have any
Reiki, but I, we, I, Reiki
will make a huge difference.
This energy is much stronger, but you can
fill your heart with so much love because
you have this connection with your pet
and this is, you know, how it will happen.
First, you fill yourself with love.
And you're in this present moment.
So maybe you've meditated first,
and then get your little pet,
whether dog, cat, you can do this
with horses, any kind of animal.
And then maybe so maybe like our
dogs like to lay on on the bed.
So they're laying on the bed.
And I start start at the top of the head.
And then you just kind
of like sweep the energy.
Do you see how I'm just going like that?
You don't just kind of go
like that or like that.
You've got to sweep it down, right?
So you start at the top of the
head, you go down the neck, down
the spine, down the tail, and
then you flick it into the ground.
So you're flicking off the
energy that they've absorbed.
And then you would start at the
top of the head and go down the
ears because They hear a lot.
So then you want to pull that
energy out of there, right?
And then you would, you know, go
to the top of the head, go down
the shoulders, down the front
legs, flick it into the ground.
Then top of the head, go down the
back and down the hips because a
lot of people worry about money now.
So there's a lot of pets
that have hip issues.
When people are thinking,
what's going on with my pet?
They've absorbed your issues around money.
So that's how you're
going to clear all this.
So my dogs, I clear the energy
from them two to three times a
day and they have no problem.
Anke: I would imagine that
he'd probably be like,
Sue: Oh, you know, it was crazy.
So I did an in person event there a couple
of weeks ago and it was an outdoor event.
People brought their pets and I took,
the dogs were, you know, they were
barking and playing and, you know,
have it all over the place and that.
And I could tell that this owner's
having this happen and this is going on.
I thought, yeah, we got to get you calm.
We got to clear your
owner's stuff and all this.
So I thought, okay, everyone's going
to learn how to clear the energy.
It was within just doing that, that
short of time, how I just explained it
that, that quick of time, five minutes.
They were doing that and every single
one of these pets got on their back.
They were laying there, some of them were
snoring, and then they were coming up.
How can I book you?
Where can I do this training and that?
So anyone can do this, but
you have to be present.
That's the number one thing.
Anke: And I guess that's kind
of good for everyone anyway.
So where can we book you?
You know, if somebody's listening to this
and they're like, Oh, I want that too.
So where can they go?
Sue: Yeah.
So you go to my website,
which is asksuelondon.
And if you're wanting to, uh, have
me doing the healings on your pad,
go to the membership area and you
want to book the diamond level.
Now, why I'm saying the diamond level
is because I'm going to be working on
you And all your pet five days a week
for the month, as well as you're going
to be able to be in an exclusive call
with me in the group, you get to ask
me a question, and I answer that I
give you a like a lesson in that month.
And then there's, there's all kinds
of that now the courses are there so
it gives you like, it's kind of like.
The Reiki training expanded.
So it's like, here's more things to
look at yourself and, and, and courses
that you can do, and it's all free.
Anke: that.
And obviously we're going to pop the
link in the, you know, like below the
video in the show notes, wherever you're,
you're listening to this, because,
you know, I think people will become
more and more aware that the solution
to whatever's going on for your, for
your dogs quite often on the other
end of the leash, like, or at least
that the both are very much connected.
So I think this makes so much sense to me.
You know,
Sue: yeah, it totally 100%, 100%.
And, and that's where some people
are like, I don't have issues.
You know, and then I'll say, is it
fair to say, oh, yeah, that happens.
Is it fair to say, you know, because
people, you know, aren't aware what
they don't know, they don't know.
And so that's where I
come in in a loving way.
So y'all know.
Yeah, I
Anke: love that.
Thank you so much.
And, uh, yeah, well, I can only recommend
like, you know, because at the end of
the day, as you said, like you don't
know what you don't know, so, and more
grounding, more, you know, is, you
know, it's always going to be like, you
can't lose, you know, so I never know
how your dog might relax around you.
Sue: Oh yeah.
And I can tell you, like, I've, I've
worked with so many people over this and
once they work on their self, like our
pets come to us, you know this, right?
So our pets come to us as,
as the greatest teachers and.
We learn so much from our pets
when we are in the present moment.
And some people get frustrated, like, my
dog's doing this and my dog's doing that.
And it's like, okay, so where are you at?
And let's look where you're at.
And when we get you calm,
let's get meditation going
every day, play calming music.
Let's not have fighting and arguing,
you know, that's, that's feeding
the energy and making it negative.
And it's hard for animals.
So yeah, I
Anke: love that so much.
Well, thank you so much.
Um, get in touch with the
lovely Sue and, um, well, I
shall have you back in no time.
So, we've got other plans, so,
you know, let's say goodbye
for now and, uh, stay tuned.
We shall be back with more.
Sue: Thanks for having me.
Thanks so much for listening.
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And if you know a pawsome human
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That's A N k E at Soul
touched by
