Welcome to Soul Touched by Dogs

Welcome to the Soul Touched by Dogs
Podcast, the show for dog lovers who

see dogs not as toys or tools, but
wise souls worth our respect and care.

I'm Uncle Herrmann and I'm your host.

I've loved dogs for as
long as I can remember.

But it wasn't until 2005 that my
first dog Leo, stumbled into my

life in the cobblestone streets
of Granada in the south of Spain.

He and the other three pups who
came after him have brought me

more joy and taught me more than I
ever imagined, and my expectations

were pretty high to start with.

I created Soul touched by dogs because
I wanted to share my love for dogs and

help change the narrative because I
think there's still too many dogs who

don't receive the treatment they deserve.


When you go to Soul touched by
dogs.com, you'll see that each

Friday I send the weekly treat.

A newsletter designed to warm your dog,
loving heart to entertain, educate,

and inspire with life lessons taught by
dogs, lots of canine cuteness, tips, and

sometimes strong opinions around natural
and holistic approaches to dog nutrition,

health training, and a lot more.

One of the sections consists of 10
minute interviews with poor some humans,

people who do great work for dogs and
their people, and that's what you're

listening to here on the podcast.

So here's my invitation.

Grab a cup and join us.

If you like what you hear, go ahead
and subscribe and leave us a review

and please share soul touched by dogs
with other dog lovers in your life.

And if you know a poss human
you think I should interview,

I'd love an introduction.

Simply email me at Anker.

That's a N k E at Soul
touched by dogs.com.

Let's get started.

Welcome to Soul Touched by Dogs
Broadcast by