Anne Hall - Healing Animals with Reiki

Welcome to the Soul Touched by Dogs
Podcast, the show for dog lovers who

see dogs not as toys or tools, but
wise souls worth our respect and care.

I'm an Herrmann, and I'm your host.

I talk to poor some humans, people who
do great work for dogs and their people.

So come and join us for
today's conversation.


Anke: hello and welcome, Anne.

I'm super

Anne: delighted to have you here.

Thank you.

Lovely to be here.

Anke: Well, uh, before we start talking
about what we're going to talk about,

um, why don't you give people like
a two minute bird's eye overview?

Let them know where you're
based and, you know,

Anne: what's your connection to dogs?


Um, I'm based in Cornwall in the
UK, so the Farthest south in the

UK, um, wonderful part of the world.

Um, my connection to dogs, um, I've
always had dogs when I was young.

Um, I've always been around dogs, um, and
a lot of my friends have dogs, so they've

always played a big part in my life.

And how I work with dogs, um, is
via Reiki and crystal healing.

Um, I'm a qualified Reiki master
and I do distance Reiki for animals.

Um, a lot of my clients are dogs,
um, and it's I chose to get qualified

in Reiki because animals have been
a constant throughout my life.

They've always been there for me.

So by giving them Reiki, for me,
I'm giving something back to them.

It's kind of like, it's my way
of saying thank you to them for

everything that they've done for
me, and that's why I love doing it.

Um, and Reiki is non invasive and safe,
and it can be used in combination with

medication, and it helps with all sorts
of issues, whether you have a dog that's

nervous to go, before they go to the
vet, or whether you have a, especially

like rescue animals, rescue dogs.

A lot of dogs that suffer from
anxiety or stress, Reiki can

definitely help with that.

Reiki can also help with the general well
being of the dog, and it can also help

assist in if the dog has had an operation.

in terms of healing.

Um, so it can work on so many
levels, which is why I love


It's fascinating because, and
dogs like humans can refuse Reiki.

I was just about to ask that,
like, how would you, you know,

how will you know, right?

Yeah, they can refuse it.

Um, the way I do it is I
use a picture of the dog.

Um, so, before I start a session, I ask
the owner for the name, um, of the dog

and a picture of it, and also if there's
anything that I need to know beforehand.

So, any underlying medical issues, any
problems, if there's a certain area of

the body they would like me to focus on.

Um, and then I start my session.

Um, I use Reiki in combination with
crystal healing, because the energy

of crystals combined with Reiki is
really powerful, and it enhances

the healing experience for the dog.

And what, what I do is I draw the Reiki
symbols on the picture, so there are

different symbols, um, that you need to
choose before you do a healing session,

if you're doing it over a distance,
and these are all symbols that you

are attuned to when you learn Reiki.

Um, and they just They tie in with the
animal and send the healing, because

race is all about transfer of energy.

Um, all living beings, excuse
me, all living beings are

surrounded by a field of energy.

We all have our own energy.

Um, I don't know, like sometimes
when you meet someone, you can

kind of pick up on their energy.

Um, I don't know if you've experienced
it or if your listeners have.

Um, you know, sometimes when you
perhaps meet someone or even if

you meet a dog, you kind of sense.

Either that something is off or, or
the reverse, you feel really welcomed.

So you, we can pick up on energies and
Reiki is just tuning into that even more.

Um, and with Reiki the way I do it, when
I place my hands over the picture, I can,

I can feel where my hands need to go.

So I can feel if there's any blockages.

Um, and the crystals
help with that as well.

So I can feel if there's anything
that's misaligned or needs clearing,

and I work my way through, through
the picture, and if I need to focus

on other areas, then I feel that.

So, I can feel temperature changes.

Um, and if there's If there's a lot
of temperature changes, like if it

goes cold, then I know, oh, okay, I
may need to do some work on this area.

And, and I do that until
for about half an hour.

And after half an hour,
it's usually all aligned.

And with animals, I tend to
leave it for 24 hours afterwards,

because Reiki will continue to
work once the session has finished.

And I ask the owner to
just keep an eye on them.

Um, the main reaction from
animals and dogs, uh, tend to

be Um, they sleep a lot more.

Um, they tend to get this
kind of sense of calmness.

Um, and yeah, it's, it's lovely to
hear the reaction from the owners.

Um, I've had, um, I've
had clients all over.

Um, I had, um, a dog in America
who, I was born with a neurological

disorder, who tended to be very
aggressive around feeding time.

Um, so the owners couldn't get close
to the bowl because he would, he would

guard his food and be a bit snappy.

Um, once I had done the Reiki session,
um, they said it was They were really

surprised because they were able to
remove the food bowl without any issues.

There were no aggression.

I've had other dogs with arthritis and
the owner reported, you know, they were

able to sleep throughout the night for the
first time in in months without any pain.

And the pain was decreased
after the session.

So it does work on loads of conditions
and I've had Other animals who have been

more wild and they've settled down after.

The session.

Anke: So, but the animal, obviously, so
if you work off a photo, so the animal can

just go about its day, like you wouldn't,
like they don't need to be there, right?


So there's no specific, so if I'm
coming to you and say, hey, can

you do Reiki on my dog Kai, like
he can just go about his day.

Anne: Absolutely.



So how would

Anke: you know whether he is accepting or
receiving it, or if he goes, like you just

Anne: feel that?



When I start placing my
hands over the picture.

Um, if I don't feel like there's a
connection there, um, that's usually

because there's a resistance to it.

And then you'll try again later, or?

Yeah, and it may be that I
may have to leave it for a

little bit and then try again.

Um, but so far um, all of the animals that
I have worked on have been very receptive.

Animals are, in general,
very receptive of Reiki.

Um, because it's a calming energy
and, um, because they, um, obviously

sense that there's, it's safe.

So, is there, will the owners

Anke: come specific, like typically,
like you've mentioned quite a few

examples, so it's very varied, right?

So, would the owners usually
already have an idea?

It's like, who comes to you?

I would imagine somebody who's already
had some, or at least some experience

with reiki or at least knows of it
or, you know, who would think of

coming to you with those kind of
issues, you know, when rather than

going to a vet or going to a trainer

Anne: or, you know.


Um, there's been a
variety of, um, of people.

Uh, there's been people I've known
from other, um, from other groups

that I'm part of on, on Facebook.

Um, and from them it's kind of been word
of mouth, you know, they've told their

friends about it and people tend to
message me to say, oh, my friend told me

to that, that you, you get reiki to their
dog, and I wanted to reach out to you.

And, and it, it's kind of,
it's, it's more organic.

Um, yeah.

And, um, yeah, it's, um,
there's a variety of people.

There are people that
haven't heard of Reiki.


And there are people that are quite
sceptical, um, but there are also people

who have had Reiki themselves, but they
haven't had Reiki done for their dog.

What's the difference?

Like, if you were

Anke: to do Reiki for a person
versus, versus a dog, let's

say, like, what's different

Anne: for you?

Um, it's, it's the same method.

I use a picture and, um, I draw
the symbols and I use the crystals.

And it's, it's similar.

It's, I can, if there's someone who's very
resistant to it, um, then I can feel it.

But usually with people who are
resistant in the first place, I

can have a conversation with them
to explain how it works, explain

about what Reiki is, um, before, um,
before I have a session with them.

And Usually with, with people, I tend
to ask them to, I mean, again, you

can just go about your day, but if you
want to kind of have a more immersive

experience, I normally suggest you either
set aside half an hour or two to just

be somewhere where you find relaxing and
where you're not going to be disturbed,

and so you can kind of fully experience.

when I'm sending the Reiki to you.

And again, I can pick up
if there's any blockages.

Do you find it's

Anke: easier for, like, to connect
with people or, like, I would, I

mean, my gut feel would be, it would
probably be easier with animals, right?

They don't have monkey
mind thinking in a way.

Is that, is that your experience?

Anne: Yeah, I do find animals
are more receptive in general.

Um, but it, it depends on the person
because, like I said before, humans

as well as animals can refuse Reiki.

Um, but they're still gonna have, they're
still gonna receive the benefit, even

if they, you know, even if they're
sceptical, because you don't have

to believe in Reiki for it to work.

Uh, because it's, you know, it
is a transfer of energy and, you

know, energy is never stagnant,
energy is constantly flowing.

Um, and that's why, you know,
energy can be sent anywhere, because

there's energy in everything.

Anke: I mean, you don't have to believe
in gravity for it to work, right?

So it doesn't require us to,

Anne: to be, to be on
board with it, right?

No, no.

So what,

Anke: what's, what's your, you know, like,
what does a typical day for you look like?

So you would, you know, say,
oh, well, I've got like three

sessions lined up today.

Or, you know, it's, um,
is that how it works?

Like you just have your number of sessions
during the day and And, um, so you're in

that beautiful energy all day, basically.

Anne: Uh, yeah.

Sounds like a mean job to me.

Yeah, most of the time.

Um, I tend to do, um, the appointments,
um, evenings, evening times, um,

because I have a job during the
day, so in the evenings then I can,

that's when I focus on my healing.

Um, and when you're doing Reiki,
it's important that you, yourself,

are, you know, that all your chakras
are aligned and that you're in a

calm state before you start because
you don't want to transfer anything

over to any of the, of the clients.

So that's, you know, one of the
important things that I always do.

I always use Reiki on myself because
it's a good way of making sure that

everything is balanced within yourself.

And obviously because I use
crystals, I can align my chakras.

Also you use the crystals
on yourself as well?

Yeah, yeah.

And obviously always make sure
crystals are cleansed and charged

before you, before each session.

Um, cause you obviously never reuse
the same crystals for the next client.

You always have to make sure
that they're all cleansed.

So that's where I'll leave gaps between
each appointment, so I can have time

to recharge myself and just kind of
So I can study the picture, start

connecting with the animal Because to
me when I do Reiki, it's it's almost

like I'm there with the dog and it's
it's like I can almost feel their fur.

And it's, it's lovely.

It's, it's a lovely connection
to have with animals when you

can kind of, when you can feel
that kind of connection to them.


Anke: I have a really, I don't know
whether it's a weird question, but

like what I, when you just like Have
you ever had a situation where you've

done Reiki, like, virtually for a dog,
and then you actually met the dog?

Would they know?

Like, would they, you know,
it's like, will they recognize

you, kind of, you know, if you
were to meet them in real life?

Anne: I think they would pick up on
my energy signal, because animals, and

like, especially dogs, are more sensitive
to energy fields than us, because, you

know, their sense and, you know, their
senses are more heightened than ours.

And all living beings have got
their own energy signature.

So, if I connect to an animal,
um, I don't see why they wouldn't

pick up on my energy signature.

Um, it would probably feel
like, like familiar to them.

Yeah, because of, of the
of the sessions I do.

Anke: Love that, love that.

So where can people go
and connect with you?

Funny you used the word I didn't expect.

You know, book a session
or find out more about you.


Anne: the best place to go?

So the best place is Facebook.

So if you search for me, I'm Bool.

My profile picture is of me with my cat.

Um, so you'll be able to see when
you, when you click on onto my

profile, there's a banner on the
side, um, that explains more about,

um, my background with animals.

Um, I do also have a free Facebook
group called Reiki for Pets and Humans.


I'll put the link

Anke: to that here as well.

So, I mean, you know, basically the link
to the Facebook profile, Anke, we're

going to be, if you're watching it, it'll
be above and if you're listening on the

podcast, it'll be in the show notes.

Anne: Yeah.

So, um, they can contact me there
and I also have a pinned post that

lists all the sessions, um, I have.


I can do single sessions
or there's a block of three

sessions that people can book.

And when would you choose

Anke: one over the other?

Anne: Um, normally the people I've
had sessions with before, they tend to

move on to the block of three sessions.

And I can discuss with them when
it's, you know, when they would like

their, their dog to have the sessions.

Um, you know, you, you don't have to have
them like every week if you don't want to,

so they can kind of bank them and use them
when they feel, Oh yeah, I want my dog

to have a bit of a top up Reiki session.

Um, so it's very flexible.

Um, I work with the owner and when it
suits the owner for me to do the session.

Love it.

Well, thank you.

Anke: Thank you so much.

I mean, even hanging out with you, it's
just like a calming, calming energy.

So it's lovely to even, even
be in this space with you.

And, um, so yeah, I mean, you
know, do your animal and yourself a

favor and get yourself some Reiki.

So thanks Anne for

Anne: coming.

Thank you.

Thank you so much for inviting me
and, uh, yeah, pleasure to be here.

And, um, yeah, if anyone is interested
and, uh, feel free to reach out.

Thanks so much for listening.

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And if you know a pawsome human
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Email me at Anke.

That's A N k E at Soul
touched by

Anne Hall - Healing Animals with Reiki
Broadcast by