Diane Garrod - Understanding Stress & Reactivity in Dogs

Understanding and Mitigating Stress in Dogs with Diane from Canine Transformations Learning Center

In this episode, I have an insightful conversation with Diane, a specialist in canine behavior and stress management, currently based in Langley, Washington.

With over 25 years of experience, Diane shares her journey from her early days in dog obedience training to her current focus on stress and behavior problems in dogs.

We discuss the evolution of dog training over the decades, highlighting the shift from aversive techniques to positive reinforcement methods. Diane elaborates on how modern urban environments can exacerbate stress and reactivity in dogs and provides practical advice on managing and mitigating these issues.

We delve into specific cases, such as dealing with over-arousal in walks, the importance of problem-solving exercises for mental stimulation, and ways to ensure dogs get adequate rest and relaxation.

Diane also introduces her systematic approach to stress release, detailed in her book, and announces upcoming works on resource guarding and a more comprehensive guide on canine stress detox. For dog owners looking to better understand and support their pets, this episode is packed with valuable insights and actionable strategies.

00:00 Introduction and Welcome

00:17 Diane's Background and Journey

02:36 Changes in Dog Training Over the Decades

04:46 Understanding Reactivity and Aggression

07:16 Case Study: Managing Over-Arousal

09:48 Effective Training Techniques

21:49 Problem Solving and Mental Stimulation

27:09 Conclusion and Resources

To find out more and connect with Diane:

Website: https://www.caninetlc.com

Bio: Owner Canine Transformations Learning, Education, Production
Guild Certified Tellington Touch Practitioner
Professional Canine Trainer- Accredited PCTA
Founding Member PPG
Charter Member PAC
Online course, 8 weeks, Resource Guarding, Grisha Stewart’s Canine Academy
Behavior Analyst/Consultant
Master Certification Canine Nutrition

Social media links: https://www.facebook.com/cTLC3

The book: Stress Release: For Dogs: The Canine Emotional Detox https://a.co/d/hC3qVGh

As always, all about Soul Touched by Dogs at https://soultouchedbydogs.com
Diane Garrod - Understanding Stress & Reactivity in Dogs
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