Intuition - Your Gateway to Deeper Connection with Your Dog with Alicia Sweezer

Welcome to the Soul Touched by Dogs
Podcast, the show for dog lovers who

see dogs not as toys or tools, but
wise souls worth our respect and care.

I'm an Herrmann, and I'm your host.

I talk to poor some humans, people who
do great work for dogs and their people.

So come and join us for
today's conversation.

Anke: record while we're laughing,
because I love starting an

episode with a good giggle.

Well, hello and welcome, Alicia.

I'm super happy to have you here.

Want to do a quick
comment from the giggle?

Alicia: Well, cause we were talking
before and then we were like, oh

wait, we have to press record.

Cause I so enjoy, uh, talking with you so
much and I'm thrilled to be here today.

Um, so thank you so much for having me.

Now I got the giggles.

Anke: I'm super excited too.

So let's, let's kind of let's just
get the people join the conversation.

So where, where in the world
are you based and you know,

what's your business with dogs?

What have you got to do with dogs?

Alicia: Uh, well, I am in Phoenix,
Arizona in the States, um,

where it's nice and warm today.

I know other places are not as much.

Um, and my business is called
Who Knew Healing, uh, Knew with

a K and it's a multi passionate.

So there's a whole human side
intuitive life coach, mentor,

all that kind of stuff.

But today we're going to talk about the
animal side, which I absolutely love.

So I'm a former wildlife
biologist who is actually also an

animal communicator and medium.

And so how that reflects to dogs is
I still get to be of service, um, in

so many, which I'm sure we're going
to talk about so many facets of dog

life, uh, but that it's in the animal
communication and medianship, uh, facet.

Anke: Oh, I find that
endlessly fascinating.

I can't wait to dig in there.

So now the first piece I'm always
curious about, like, in my understanding,

that communication channel is kind of,
it's always there and we all have it.

But when normally in our, the way
we brought up, it's not something we

kind of encourage to pay attention to.

So it tends to be like,
A little cover, right?

So how did you uncover it for yourself?

And, and how did you go from that
first like, Ooh, I actually could

sort of sense something here.

You know, what gave you the
confidence to actually dig deeper

and, you know, even offer that to

Alicia: other people?

Um, yeah, so it's, it's, it's a pretty
funny story when you look at it.

I was born with this gift, um, but
I didn't know it because it's when

you're born with something, it's
just how you move through the world.

So I was always really good with animals.

When I was a kid, I was always outside.

I only played with stuffed animals.

I didn't play with dolls.

So I didn't have this sort of direct
consciousness around of, Oh, I'm

talking to this animal right here.

It just, it's like breathing.


And I actually thought, That it
was a wildlife biologist thing.

I thought it was a science thing.

I thought all wildlife
biologists talk to animals.

Because that's just how I functioned.

And I was probably in my thirties before
I realized, you know, and it, and it's

changed a little bit now, but mostly
then it was a male dominated field.

And I was in the field with a group
of guys and I was like, you all,

you all don't talk to animals.

And they were just staring
at me and they were like, no.

And I was like, Oh, all right.

So you don't hear the
trees and the nothing.


So it was, it was quite
interesting because, like I said,

I always just moved that way.

It wasn't a conscious thing to me.

So, um, after that and then, When, uh,
my life took a dramatic turn and I wasn't

able to be a wildlife biologist anymore
and some other things shifted in my

life, um, my abilities really opened up
and started to come in even stronger.

And then I did some internal work
to be able to do it directly, like

for clients and that sort of thing.

So yeah, happy accident.

I don't even

Anke: know how to like, that's,
that's like when you think like,

doesn't everybody, you know?

So how do you perceive?

What animals like, you know, because
I've, I've had, I've had animal

communicators on this podcast.


And so quite often it's
like, oh, well, I receive it.

Sometimes it's a sensation.

Sometimes it's a visual, like, you know,
sort of, how do you perceive what the

animals or even the trees will look like?

Kind of say back.

Alicia: Um, so my two strongest are
knowing and feeling, which are your

claircognizant and your clairsentient.

And then my sight and sound
are right behind, which is your

clairvoyant and clairaudient.

Um, so, and for me, animals
come in sort of two ways.

One, they're very like
matter of fact, right?

That's the claircognizant, like,
these are what I want you to know.

This is what's going on in my body.

And then the other time is when they come
in with the words, but also the feelings.

So I will have all the feelings in
my body, which is such a gift to to

be able to give to my clients because
then they get to feel it through me.

They get to, especially if we're doing a
mediumship session and their animal has

already transitioned, it's like they get
to still have those emotions and that,

um, emotional connection through me.

And, and then they'll send me pictures
or, or sounds or that sort of thing.

But that's usually, it's the, just
the, like, it's literally like

you and I having a conversation
right now is how I talk to them.

And then, like I said, sometimes
the feelings will come in as well.

And, um, and then the sensation, like,
if we're talking about food, right?

Like, do they like the food?

Uh, my, if they like it, my mouth
will fill with saliva, like instantly.

And I'll be like, we liked that one.

And, or they're like, I'm like, they like
the food, but they don't like the flavors.

So then we run through the flavors and
I'm like, nope, they want the lamb.

They don't like the venison.

And so even something really specific
like that can, you know, have a dramatic

effect, but they tell me very clearly.

So it's just like talking like

Anke: that's fascinating.

So, because I think one of, I
mean, the pieces, there's always

the two pieces for me, it's like.

One is to actually perceive it, like to
even like listen close enough to even

like, you know, hear it or perceive it.

And the other part is to trust that
it really comes from the animal,

Alicia: right?

That is one of the big, particularly
if you're, um, so I call people

like me left brain empaths because
I'm super analytical, right?

I was a scientist and there are so
many times that any type of psychic

development where that's sort of.

For lack of a better
word, frowned upon, right?

They're like, you've got to
get your brain out of the way.

And it's like, no, we learn differently.

So there was so much in my psychic
development where I was doing

things that just didn't work.

And I kept thinking I was screwing up.

And so there's this place though.

And it's like, one of the things I
teach my human people is like, you

get very clear on what's a logical
thought and what's an intuitive thought.

And they feel differently.

They have a different vibration.

And once you get that.

You know, whether it's the animal
or a tree or any, cause that's an

intuitive consciousness, energetic
thought coming in versus your,

which we love our brains, right?

A logical thought.

And that, that makes a
really big difference.

And that, and that grows
that trust factor so much.


Anke: I can see that.

Like, and I've, this really speaks to
me because I'm kind of one of those

sort of in between, you know, like
really strong left brain analytical and

the arty party creative and whatever.

So it's like, This really speaks to me.

So do you, do you think
that anybody can learn this?

Is this learnable?

Or is this a, you know,
a gift that you develop?

Or could, could I do that?

If I wanted to say, Oh, I want to do that.

Could I do that?

Alicia: Yes, I believe it's no different.

We're all born with you know,
psychic abilities, right?

We're all born, born with
intuition, all that kind of stuff.

So it depends on how you want to develop
it, which gifts you want to have.

Um, there are tons of people who
teach you how to talk to your animals.

It's one of the things that when I
work with my clients, like we're having

sessions and say, it's a transitioning
one or some health things I teach.

I was like, look, you're going to know
because when we have our animals, if

we're, Depending on, because everyone
sort of views their pets differently,

um, like some are like, they're not
family members, some they are family,

some they are soul mates, you know, um,
but we have that intuitive connection

with them and you can tie into that.

And because I have, one of my specific
gifts is to be able to tell what

someone else's abilities are, whether
it's sight, sound, any of that.

Then I can teach them.

I'm like, okay, so you're going
to listen to this, this, and

this if they're clear audience.

So I teach them how to listen to their
animal or to get the pictures from

their animal just in little bits,
just in the sessions we're having

on communication so that when they
leave our session, Everyone always

goes home with homework, regardless.

They're not just dependent on me.

You know what I mean?

I give them a foundation so that
they have that sense of safety and

trust that not everything is like,
Oh my God, I need another, but

they're like, no, no, she taught me.


I get calm.

I listen.


What is my, what is my dog doing?

So I.

I know that was like a long answer.

I'm just very passionate about it.

Everybody, and I will tell you,
it is sometimes really, even

for me, it is sometimes really
hard to hear your own animal.


Anke: was just about to ask you that,
you know, if you have that emotional

connection, um, to your own animal,
like, will you, will your little

monkey mind get in the way there?

Alicia: Yeah, it's the emotional
attachment that gets in there

because, and that's whether it's
people or animals or like, that's

why my clients are not my friends.

Because my intuitive abilities get
fuzzy when you're my inner circle

friend, because I'm attached, right?

I'm like, I want the best for you.

I want, all those sort of things.

And it's the same with our animals.

Sometimes it's really clear.

Other times you're like,
why are you talking?

I don't know.

What are you saying?

I don't, you know, and with my soul kitty
who transitioned last year, Pip, when he

got sick, he was diagnosed with diabetes.

Like I was a wreck.


Even everything I was trying to do,
he was like, Mom, you gotta, like, you

know, like, I would have to, when we
go to do his shots, I had to be really

conscious to pull my energy back so
that I'm not coming at it like this.

Oh, we're gonna do this shot.

I had to be like, pull it all
back so that we could do it.

Um, and it's, it's just a different,
it can absolutely be done.

It's a different type
of relationship though.

I always recommend, whether it's, you
know, this is something you do for

a living, like when it's to, to get
outside help just to validate, or, you

know, just to triangulate that sort of
thing, because sometimes we can't tell.

Anke: I guess it's a bit similar to
how you don't usually coach your close

friends or, you know, a therapist
wouldn't work with their partner.

You know, so it's like that same
kind of thing where the relationship

itself sort of get in the way.

So what are the most common things that
people come to you for and ask about?

What is it that people want

Alicia: to know?

Um, I get a lot of medical or end of
life transitions because, uh, this

is still considered woo woo, right?

And so they've tried everything else.

So they're like, well, I'll try
the weird thing in their mind.

You know, like that's, they've already
spent thousands at the vet or whatever.

And then they come see me and
they're always like, I wish, I

wish I would've come here first.

I'm like, understood.

Cause we work together.

Like we're a team, you know, like you're
behaviorist, you're trainers, you're

vets, me, it's, it's a support system.


Um, and you know, when I get those health
ones or the end of life transitions,

they're so precious to me because I'm
able to, you know, give the information

and those few months or a few weeks or
whatever it is that you may have left, or

even if it's not a end of life, diagnosis,
um, working through a medical situation.

When you have that information, it
changes everything because now, you

know, that your animal does want this
treatment or doesn't want that treatment.

So all of your worrying
about, am I getting it right?

Um, Especially if there's
financial concerns in there.

People have so much guilt over, I
don't have the money for chemo or I

don't have the money for a surgery.

And, you know, sometimes they're going
to be like, I don't want the chemo.

And so imagine if all of that goes away.

So I get a lot of guilt goes away.


And then you have like your last few
months or weeks are so much more peaceful.

You're doing exactly what
your animal wants, right?

You have that, those periods of just joy,
even though it's a bittersweet situation.

Um, I get a lot of behavioral,
um, challenges as well.

So separation anxiety, uh,
a lot of rescues, right?

People, which I love, they
adopt from the rescues.

And then we've got some emotional
or physical abuse that we've got

to work through recovery wise.

Um, And so a lot of those kind of
situations, which is great because

we love when people adopt out of the
shelters and we want to be able to

support them with all kinds of tools.

Anke: I love that.

I love that.

So when it comes to like, say, end
of life, like what are the questions?

Is it like, is it time to go or what
treatment or what are, the questions?

Or what did my animal kind of
want to say before they went?

Or like, what is it that

Alicia: people want to know?

All of those.

So yes, if they're, if we're
at a place where they're trying

to decide on a treatment, like
they've been given a diagnosis.

So then we'll talk about whether
or not the, the dog wants to

have any of those things done.

Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't,
sometimes they're like, I'm in the middle.

Um, and.

And then there's times of the animal
wants, you know, they deliver all their

messages and they will not going to
cry and they want to, you know, say

thank you and how much they love you.

And, um, and a lot of times, you
know, it's cause one of the things my

clients ask is like, when will I know?

And I, and I totally get that.

And so I will ask the animals,
like, can you give us a clear sign?

What is your clear sign?

And so sometimes it's like, look,
I won't run to the car anymore to

get in there or I'll stop eating.

Or so then the, the pet parent knows.

Um, other ones completely planned.

Like I have this, this one client, um, if
you go to my, they're the dogs at the top.

It's Malcolm and Angus.

I talk about them all the time.

These little guys, they planned
their entire celebration of life.

So like, it was about, I think
two or three months we had

when their owner contacted me.

And the first session we're crying
and we're laughing because these

two little guys are just amazing.

And they're like, no, no.

One who is more rambunctious.

He's like, I want to party.

And the other one's like, I'd like to have
a brunch because Malcolm is more subdued.

They picked their colors of the streamers.

Like, it was so, it was such a
different ending process than like,

what it could have Could have been.

So sometimes the animals do that,
where they're like, look, this

is what I wanted to look like.

Let's, let's have a blast.

Um, I love it.

Anke: I love it.

I think the, the, the, the guilt
removal, I think that really speaks

to me because I think I can totally
see how that, I think, actually, it's

funny, funny, like, I'm just still
thinking, isn't that interesting?

When, when my Leo passed, that
was like, how would I know was my

biggest concern all these years,
you know, when he was getting older?

And I'm like, How will I know?

It's like, because there was always
this conflict where I thought, well,

I don't want him, I don't want to put
him to sleep when he still has, you

know, will to live and wants to live.

But at the same time, I don't
want to make him suffer just

because I can't let go, you know?

And, and I was always
like, how will I know?

How will I know?

And boy, it was so clear.

Like at the moment, it was
just like, there was no doubt.

And I thought, oh, that was interesting.

And it was a feeling, it was a sensation.

More than, like, he didn't sort
of say a word, I didn't see, you

know, but it was like, so clear.

That, that, it was like, oh,
that's interesting, right?

Alicia: And, you know, and there's
lots of checklists and your vets will

help you with that kind of stuff.

And then there's, you know, I get a
lot of them where, um, it, they're

not following the checklist, right?

Like your animal is, they're
like, cause it's like lethargy

and they stop eating and sort of
the spark goes out of their eyes.

And there's some animals,
particularly our strong spirited ones.

Like my kitty Pip was, you know, he was,
except he stopped eating eventually,

but he was like, What are we doing?

Are we playing today?

And I was like, you're not helping
me because you're not following the

checklist and, and there's a lot of times
that animals, they do this where, you

know, they're, they're not doing well.

You think it's getting close and
then they seem to have this recovery

for a couple of weeks, right?

They like start and you're
like, Oh my gosh, this is great.

And then it goes back down and
that's so confusing for pet parents.

But I think humans

Anke: do that too.

I think it's the same with humans as well.

Like when there's kind of like cancer
or something, like the assist is

like, Oh my God, it's getting better.

And then, you know, I think that
is, that is pretty, pretty common.

So if somebody wants to have
a session or work with you,

like, how can they get in touch?


Alicia: can they find you?

Um, so through my
website, who knew healing.

com and it's all done remotely, so
it can be done all over the world.

I have clients in other States, other
countries, and, um, and I'm also a medium,

like I said, so if your animal has already
transitioned and you're still having

questions, you're still wondering, um,
please, please, please reach out because

it can, it can make all the difference.

I just had that happen.

Like you and I were talking about the
live event I was doing and there was a

woman in, um, Her cat transitioned two
years ago and she was still carrying

around so much and we had just a quick
session and she's texting, she's like,

oh my gosh, my whole life has changed.

And she's like, I feel so much better.

I'm not carrying this around.

Things she was struggling to
do in her daily life two years

later are now easy for her.

And I was like, Oh my God.


So, uh, you know, the
information changes everything.

You do not have to be carrying
around any stress, worry,

guilt, your animals love you.

They, whether they're in body or not,
they always want to talk, especially dogs.

Dogs are like, Oh my God, what
are we going to talk about today?

Cats are like, what are we doing?

And then they're like, okay,
the dogs are like, I love

Anke: it.

I love it.

Well, thank you so much.

We're always going to pop the link.

If you're listening to the
podcast, it's in the show notes.

If you're watching the video, it's
just going to be just the bottom below

and, uh, get in touch with Alicia and,
you know, have a chat with your dog.

Alicia: Right.

Thank you so much Anke.

Thank you.

Thanks so much for listening.

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And if you know a pawsome human
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Email me at Anke.

That's A N k E at Soul
touched by

Intuition - Your Gateway to Deeper Connection with Your Dog with Alicia Sweezer
Broadcast by