Michael Overlie - Helping men build emotional confidence through the relationship with their dog

All about Soul Touched by Dogs at https://soultouchedbydogs.com

Pawsome Humans Interview: Michael Overlie

Author of Let Your Dog Lead (I highly recommend you grab a copy on Amazon or a free pdf on his website https://dogsandmen.com/)
I stumbled across Michael in the comment thread of a callout for speakers for a dog-related summit.
Someone had tagged him as someone worth reaching out to, and the moment I read “Dogs and Men” I was intrigued so I messaged him.
The rest, as they say, is history .. 😛

In our conversation, he shares how his own dogs helped him get through challenges in his life, and how he now helps other men cultivate and grow emotional confidence through the relationship with their dogs.
He taps into the bond his clients have with their dogs and shows them how to take more of who they are with their dogs into the relationships with the people in their lives. 
I couldn’t love this more.

Gift yourself a 12-minute treat and listen in.

In this episode of the Soul Touched by Dogs Podcast, I had the pleasure of speaking with Michael, a canine-partnered men's relationship coach from Fort Collins, Colorado. Michael shared his unique approach to helping men develop emotional confidence and intelligence by leveraging their relationships with dogs. We discussed the profound wisdom dogs offer and how these insights can transform human relationships. Michael also highlighted his personal journey and the heartwarming story of his first client. This conversation is a beautiful reminder of how our furry friends can teach us about love, compassion, and self-awareness. For more information on Michael's work, visit dogsandmen.com and explore his resources and free book downloads.

00:00 Introduction to the Podcast
00:24 Meet Michael: Canine-Partnered Men's Relationship Coach
01:07 The Role of Dogs in Emotional Intelligence
01:44 Working with Clients and Their Dogs
04:22 Personal Journey and Insights
06:05 Client Success Stories
08:20 Applying Canine Lessons to Human Relationships
11:11 Resources and Contact Information
12:19 Final Thoughts and Farewell
Michael Overlie - Helping men build emotional confidence through the relationship with their dog
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